Page name: Elmo Haters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-13 12:29:19
Last author: ::HOLLY WOOD::
Owner: ::HOLLY WOOD::
# of watchers: 22
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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This wiki has been made for all the people who hate, loath and despise that horrible and truely perversed little red fluff ball also known as "Elmo". 
We hate him because he does not deserve to live,he is perversed, he knows where you live (FYI: TRUE!),he stalks you and spies on you the little skank! Everyone who likes Elmo should be hung, drawn and quatered for joining this sickening little cult and they know it was well as the rest of us.
Thank you
P.S when you leave please leave a comment thank you xxx

The Elmo Haters


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<h2>DIE ELMO DIE! </h2>

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2006-03-25 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: well they work halfly, so only half kill em

2006-03-26 [light.hate hate.pain]: LOL ill kill da other half for ya

2006-03-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ooh no you might like stab the organs and ill die, you cant really kill pain unless your a painkiller. hence teh name

2006-03-27 [Zoinks!]: haha

2006-03-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: helloha

2006-03-27 [ScWuB x3]: nooo yew cant kill roxie lol

2006-03-27 [Zoinks!]: roxie if you died where would i be?? :'( i'd kill myself too.

2006-03-27 [light.hate hate.pain]: nooo roxie aint gonna kill herself ^_^ if she does ill bring her back to life just so i can kill her again, and again

2006-03-28 [Zoinks!]: hehehehehehehehehehe

2006-03-28 [VampVione]: hi

2006-03-29 [Zoinks!]: helllo

2006-03-29 [VampVione]: hey\

2006-03-29 [Zoinks!]: bonjoo

2006-03-29 [ScWuB x3]: awwwww pollie talkin francais

2006-03-29 [light.hate hate.pain]: ummm yer can someone intoduce me to people o0 so many new faces.... so little time to mangle them

2006-03-29 [ScWuB x3]: im har as yew can tell by teh name lol hehe

2006-03-29 [light.hate hate.pain]: hwo you know roxieish?

2006-03-29 [ScWuB x3]: i know roxie lol

2006-03-29 [light.hate hate.pain]: how? live near her?

2006-03-29 [ScWuB x3]: jst ova ere nd msn lol

2006-03-29 [light.hate hate.pain]: oooo ok cool, where ya live

2006-03-29 [ScWuB x3]: cheltenham lol

2006-03-30 [VampVione]: lol hi

2006-04-06 [Zoinks!]: lol hehehe. ages away har =[

2006-04-06 [ILY;;]: oi oi

2006-04-06 [VampVione]: lol

2006-04-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hihi

2006-04-10 [ILY;;]: heyy.

2006-04-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yoyoyoyohoyoho

2006-04-14 [VampVione]: ho ho ho

2006-04-14 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol hahahah

2006-04-14 [VampVione]: lalala

2006-04-14 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: tralala la la la  l la l la laooh, i hate that song

2006-04-14 [VampVione]: lo lo lo lo ve ashely simson XP ewy poo

2006-04-14 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol mmmmm =p

2006-04-15 [ILY;;]: moo

2006-04-20 [VampVione]: lol

2006-04-20 [ILY;;]: heh

2006-04-20 [light.hate hate.pain]: i wanna see you try and takre aswing at me, comon, put you on the ground ground ground, wh0at are you trying to make fun at me you think it funny wot the fuck you think it doin to me, so, you can try and to tear me down, beats me to the ground, i will see you screaming

2006-04-20 [VampVione]: huh?

2006-04-21 [ILY;;]: *shrugs*

2006-04-21 [VampVione]: .>... <.</..... HI!!

2006-04-21 [ILY;;]: heyy

2006-04-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: WHAA? jake talk sense you poo

2006-04-21 [light.hate hate.pain]: MORE KORN LYRICS god people get some good music

2006-04-21 [VampVione]: huh? im lost

2006-04-22 [ScWuB x3]: Wenn getanzt wird will ich führen, Auch wenn ihr euch alleine dreht, Lasst euch ein wenig kontrollieren, Ich zeige euch wie's richtig geht

2006-04-22 [ScWuB x3]: now thts lyrics 4 ya lol

2006-04-22 [VampVione]: huh

2006-04-22 [ILY;;]: AKKKKK! I HATE LIFE!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-23 [VampVione]: y?

2006-04-23 [ILY;;]: me and my boyfriend are over.

2006-04-23 [VampVione]: eh get over it -_- ppl come and go so dont let him hold u down

2006-04-23 [ILY;;]: well he was flirting with another lass.

2006-04-23 [VampVione]: then, go get revenge and make his life a living hell, u have got to know a secrete or two about him by now

2006-04-23 [ILY;;]: yeah one but thats really personal...

2006-04-23 [VampVione]: oh hmm well use it

2006-04-23 [ILY;;]: i cant thats evil this one...and plus i cant be bothered i still like him as a close mate

2006-04-23 [VampVione]: what is it?

2006-04-24 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi

2006-04-26 [ILY;;]: heyy

2006-04-27 [~*~Miss Bitch~*~]: hiya people i dont like elmo though id tell all

2006-04-27 [ScWuB x3]: lol

2006-04-28 [Zoinks!]: I love har.

2006-04-28 [ScWuB x3]: i love pollie :D xx


2006-04-29 [ScWuB x3]: hey

2006-04-29 [Zoinks!]: I Love Har More Than Har Loves Me. X

2006-04-29 [ILY;;]: I LOVE NO ONE CAUSE NO ONE LOVES ME! simple as *sits in corner hugging knees*

2006-04-29 [VampVione]: hmmm

2006-04-30 [ScWuB x3]: pollies teh besht nd i fink im gona stay on ere now cuz i luv her soo much. Meya am sorry bout earlier i got a lil pissed off as soon as he told me plz forgive me

2006-04-30 [VampVione]: ...

2006-04-30 [zippo69]: do i even know any1 in here

2006-04-30 [ILY;;]: YOU KNOW ME KRIS YOU KNOW ME BEEWEE!!!!!!....yes ok what ever Har it went to fuckin far but al think about it.

2006-04-30 [ScWuB x3]: ye i know i woz jst stickin up 4 ma bst m8

2006-04-30 [VampVione]: no

2006-04-30 [Zoinks!]: that rhymed a little meya.

2006-04-30 [ScWuB x3]: urm...kk then

2006-04-30 [Zoinks!]: harhar.

2006-05-01 [ILY;;]: ha it did to ^_^...yeah well i seen the message really not going into it.

2006-05-01 [Zoinks!]: teehee.

2006-05-01 [ILY;;]: lolsssssssss

2006-05-01 [Zoinks!]: ha :]

2006-05-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yohos

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: kk then

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: heh ^_^

2006-05-02 [Zoinks!]: -.-<

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: lol :P

2006-05-02 [Zoinks!]: ily

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: ily2 :P

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: sleepy...T_T

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: hehe :P go shleep then :P

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: nuuuu i cants *hugs*

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: lol ya can ya jst dnt wanna :P *huggles*

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: yeah true true *smilies and clings*

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: lol :P *smirks nd pats*

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: *giggles*

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: *smirks*

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: love you hun bubi got to go xxxx *kishes*

2006-05-02 [ScWuB x3]: kk bubi hun luv yew 2 xxxxxxxx *kisses bk*

2006-05-02 [ILY;;]: *beams* bubi xxxxxxxxxx mishes yew

2006-05-03 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hiyoho you all how be???

2006-05-03 [ScWuB x3]: ROXIE!!

2006-05-03 [ILY;;]: heh

2006-05-03 [VampVione]: huh

2006-05-04 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: HAR!....?what? what i do? ??

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: lol

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: nothin lol yew r jst ere lol

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: ^^ heehee AKKK! I GOT SORE WRIST!

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: y??

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: i gott no idea just have >_<

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: lol ya beta not slit ya wrists :O

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: nope not yet.

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: dont lol

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: y

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: cuz i luv yew

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: i luv yew to but....>_<

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: lol dont slit ya wrists thn

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: fineeeeeeeeeee. xxx

2006-05-04 [ScWuB x3]: ya sound like ya wanna xxx

2006-05-04 [ILY;;]: urm no no xxx

2006-05-05 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: No slitting your wrists, have a niiiice daaay! buh buh buh buuh buh! have a niiiice day! (its a song)

2006-05-05 [ScWuB x3]: lol ye, stop my breathin nd slit my throat i must be emo lol :P tht song rawks

2006-05-05 [Zoinks!]: u cant talk roxie u were always going on about death. slitting wrists. suicide..etc..

2006-05-05 [ScWuB x3]: well if she goes on bout it its her choice

2006-05-06 [VampVione]: ...........

2006-05-06 [Zoinks!]: i don't really care.

2006-05-06 [ILY;;]: well fine w/e wtf is gan on i started a war of havent eye.

2006-05-06 [ScWuB x3]: oki sum1 change subject lol

2006-05-06 [ILY;;]: yeah.

2006-05-06 [ScWuB x3]: lol

2006-05-06 [ILY;;]: ^^

2006-05-06 [VampVione]: well

2006-05-06 [Zoinks!]: hehe

2006-05-07 [ILY;;]: i dont know lol *hugs*

2006-05-07 [Zoinks!]: who are you hugging meya? X

2006-05-07 [ILY;;]: har lol

2006-05-08 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: i dewnt do it no more tho coz of stuff about stuff and stuff, n ya need a proper reason, and tis your own choice and stuff

2006-05-08 [Zoinks!]: yer i agree. X

2006-05-08 [ScWuB x3]: kk i duno wat evry1s on about but i agree 2 lol

2006-05-08 [ILY;;]: yeah i got no idea to lol. brb x

2006-05-08 [Zoinks!]: i don't really know either X.

2006-05-08 [ILY;;]: heh lol

2006-05-08 [ScWuB x3]: lol no1 does

2006-05-09 [ILY;;]: heh lol x

2006-05-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: I DO...coz i went on about it...meh

2006-05-09 [ILY;;]: i know.

2006-05-09 [Zoinks!]: :)

2006-05-09 [ILY;;]: ...

2006-05-10 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yeah,,,sooo

2006-05-11 [ILY;;]: *shrugs*

2006-05-12 [VampVione]: yeahhhh

2006-05-12 [ILY;;]: aye

2006-05-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: aye me

2006-05-12 [ILY;;]: heh lol

2006-05-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ....=)

2006-05-12 [ILY;;]: :]]

2006-05-13 [VampVione]: lol

2006-05-14 [ILY;;]: heh...

2006-05-14 [Zoinks!]: =) helloshums.

2006-05-15 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yohos! waddup my homies? yeah bruvv

2006-05-15 [ILY;;]: Heyy hunneh! nothing muchh should be movin!

2006-05-15 [Zoinks!]: not mushums. just boring! you should know you go there =) x

2006-05-15 [Zoinks!]: cant wait til our duet lol roxie.

2006-05-17 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: mushrooms! pilze! anyhoo, polleh are we stilll doing it, coz of like your bassline?

2006-05-18 [Zoinks!]: aah he wouldn't let me get my bass string fixed =[[ such an effing twat.

2006-05-18 [VampVione]: huh

2006-05-19 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: oh. suckish. practice monday? or nay? or yay? mmm? we could still perform on thursady, be careful wit your bassline tho

2006-05-19 [VampVione]: haha school gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-05-19 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: for ye? lucky

2006-05-19 [VampVione]: lol

2006-05-19 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: we have aages left

2006-05-20 [Zoinks!]: yeeeeah i got it fixed then on friday.. dont know how 1day makes a difference but oh well...!!!

2006-05-22 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: blooga. yayness. awesomeness. like. yknow. bring it tomororororor being turururururesday

2006-05-22 [Zoinks!]: ooshkay. =)

2006-05-27 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: is everyone...?

2006-05-27 [Zoinks!]: Gooood thankies and yourself.?

2006-05-31 [VampVione]: wow u cant spell ether!!!

2006-05-31 [Zoinks!]: who cant?

2006-06-04 [VampVione]: lol

2006-06-05 [Zoinks!]: how cant i spell?? =[[[

2006-06-07 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: b zxcgfjkdfhjklbjkasn sduvbns#

2006-06-15 [VampVione]: lol

2006-06-16 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: indeed

2006-06-25 [VampVione]: yep

2006-06-30 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: w00t

2006-07-04 [DRACE]: looky see, please join fade to emo... pleassssse *begs*

2006-07-24 [VampVione]: um

2006-07-24 [DRACE]: *growls* you'll join or I will hunt you down, rip you throat out and bury you under the rose bush *bares fangs*

2006-07-25 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: ..........hmmm...whats going on in my wiki then...?

2006-07-25 [DRACE]: besides hollow threats, not much, i would hve throught this would be moving hella quick ;_;

2006-07-26 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol...please do not threaten the members, even in the threats are hollow ^^

2006-07-26 [DRACE]: hmmm well sorry - I shall leave your wiki so you don't get ticked at me being here, good fucking bye

2006-08-02 [VampVione]: lol ok

2006-08-04 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol you dont have to leave you know

2006-09-20 [AnGeL of your nightmers]: please can i join 2 help get red of that lil perverted puppet

2006-10-18 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: YERSSSSSSSH!

2006-10-19 [VampVione]: lol

2007-01-02 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: can i please b a member

2007-02-03 [::HOLLY WOOD::]: lol sure ^^

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